College Admission

Is there a special talent or specific study that you excel in and want to hone those skills?

Are you feeling uneasy on how you will be able to afford college if accepted?

Or do you simply want to experience college, but aren’t sure how to get started?

Hi, I’m Stephanie!

I am a first year graduate student obtaining my Masters in Health Administration. I recently graduated from Howard University in May 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in Strategic, Legal, and Management Communications.

During my time at Howard, I saw a demand with so many young individuals wanting to learn how I was able to attend Howard (on an academic scholarship). At first I would tell friends and family the tools and resources I used to gain admissions, then I had friends of friends asking if I could help them gain admissions into their own desired college/university. That’s when I had an aha moment! What if I take all the knowledge, expertise, and experience I accumulated over the past 5 years and launch an online course teaching others how to apply to their desired college/university AND prepare them for their new journey. 

I was able to weigh my options of where I wanted to go

I was able to earn over $100,000 in scholarships because my application was ABOVE average

I was able to compare financial aid packages with other universities

I launched Scholars Elite Academy to empower anyone with the burning desire to better their lives and expand their mindset to prepare for a rich learning experience. Especially students who may not have the highest grades, test scores or experience to meet the requirements of a University.


My course, College Blueprint Recipe, will teach you how to apply to college with confidence and prepare you to handle student life. You will learn the strategies and techniques I created and successfully used that you will need in order to apply and gain a higher chance of acceptance. 

~ Stephanie Dawson

Founder & Dean Of Students

What You Will Learn

Learn how to strategically identify schools that would accept you and your scores. Don't let your 'dream school' stop you from getting better offers from other university. We will cover, various universities and majors in the United States. You will gain awareness of the top schools just FOR YOU.

What You Will Learn

Learn how to professionally structure your application to gain the MOST out of the admissions process. We will cover application materials (Common App, story prompts, etc) and additional documents needed to be successful for all submissions. Plus there will be a done-for-you customization template available for all students.

What You Will Learn

Find out how to receive the BEST financial aid packages from college / universities and learn what it takes to go from REJECTED to SCHOOLS PAYING YOU to attend. We will cover the basics of financial aid and how to begin your search for FREE MONEY. Anyone can receive free money, are you willing to put in the work to go after it?

What You Will Learn

In this module, learn how to live on a campus dorm or in an apartment (by yourself or with roommates). We will cover everything from building rules (on-campus) to how to prepare you for your own apartment. This module is a step-by-step lesson that will guide you through ALL areas of living on your own. No matter what stage you are at.

What You Will Learn

Learn how to be involved on campus! In this module, we will cover the importance of joining organizations (academic, social, greek) and the impact it can have on your college experience. Don't let anyone discourage you BEFORE you even had a chance to try. We will guide you to make the best decision for you.

What You Will Learn

This is MY step-by-step checklist that will ensure you make the right moves, in the right order, at the right time. We will cover the exact timeline of when deadlines should be met and how to successfully prepare for college admissions and student life. Plus you will get my secret recipe of how to survive college, which will be in the form of BONUSES.




Frequently Asked Questions

Will I meet the instructor?

Yes! During this six week course, the instructor, Stephanie Dawson, will show up weekly to answer any questions and provide critiques. 

Who is this course a good fit for? 

This course is for junior/seniors in high school, parents of high school students and those who seek to go/return to college in the United States.

How long will I have access to the course? 

The access to each course varies on the class you enrolled into. Check each package for more information.

Will I receive a certificate at the end of the course? 

Yes. If you complete the course successfully, you will receive a certificate. 

Does this course guarantee results? 

While many students have been very effective in the course, it would be unethical of me to guarantee your success. Your work ethic and dedication will determine your success. 

What if I am unhappy with the course?

We never want you to be unhappy, and we try to provide all students with the guidance needed. Unfortunately, knowledge cannot be reversed once learned, therefore, there will be no refunds once course material is released.