Learn EVERYTHING you will need AND more! Designed to enhance the college experience this course comes with an additional class, the international experience. The international experience is presented as a mini-course that will be taken simultaneous with the College Blueprint Recipe (CBR). I wanted to give global students the opportunity to learn the exact steps to have a promising college career. There are so many barriers (like language and customs) when making the transition into the United States, so I decided to help with it all! The mini-course will follow the same curriculum as CBR but the information will pertain specifically to international students.


There will be a Facebook group available during the course to stay connected with the instructor and fellow classmates. You can ask any and all questions.


Learn the information that no one talks about! Gain an advantage with the tools, templates, and advice. You will be given TEN bonuses that are essential when transitioning into college.


Learn how to successfully transition into the United States of America. You will be educated on the proper requirements and paperwork needed to study and arrive in the USA.

This bundle is not available for purchase.

Chiyo B.

The course was amazing. Stephanie helped me gain the clarity I needed to set myself on the path to greatness. From the start of class to the end Stephanie was there every step of the way.

Adina S.

I am grateful to have been a part of this class. Stephanie showed up everyday to make sure that I was successful in implementing the lessons. Get in where you fit in! Her classes fill FAST and I recommend CBR for all international students.

Gia K.

Don't second guess this course!!! Before I took this class I was completely confused and overwhelmed with everything that I had to do. Each module was detailed and the Office Hours was my favorite part. Stephanie made the transition to the USA very smooth and I am happy to have taken the course. Thank you Ms.Dawson!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Dean Talk?

Dean Talk is a 1:1 coaching session that allows you and Stephanie to discuss your goals, expectations , and create a plan that fits ALL your needs. Included will be personalized materials that help 'every step of the way'.

My course includes Dean Talk. How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon enrolling into the course that includes coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.

Who is this course a good fit for? 

This course is SPECIFICALLY for junior/seniors in high school, parents of high school students and those who seek to go/return to college in the United States. International students are included

How long will I have access to the course? 

You will have LIFETIME access to the course, meaning you can review all the materials whenever you get ready, even after the class ends.

Will I receive a certificate at the end of the course? 

Yes. If you complete the course successfully, you will receive a certificate. 

Does this course guarantee results? 

While many students have been very effective in the course, it would be unethical of me to guarantee your success. Your work ethic and dedication will determine your success. 

What if I am unhappy with the course?

We never want you to be unhappy, and we try to provide all students with the guidance needed. Unfortunately, knowledge cannot be reversed once learned, therefore, there will be no refunds once course material is released.